Monday, March 28, 2011

Seven Basic Victorian Bustle Cages to Wear With Bustle Dresses

Deciding which bustle cage is correct for your bustle dress can be confusing.The articles in his blog will help you to gain a better understanding of  selecting the correct bustle cage for your bustle dress. During the Victorian Era, bustle dress cages and crinolines were made from hoop steel . These unusual hoop steel cages were used to add shaping to the popular bustle dresses of that time in history.

There are several types of bustle dress styles and patterns.There are seven (7) basic bustle cages that will properly fill out and shape the various styles of dresses.These seven cages  are:
  1. round hoop cage
  2. short mini bustle
  3. knee length lobster tail bustle
  4. lobster bustle with train supporter
  5. elliptical cage crinoline
  6. bell shaped cage
  7. bustle pillow(not a cage)
Pictures of the seven cages and the bustle pillow are shown below.

Short Mini bustle Cage for dresses that have slight trains not over 3 to 4 inches long.

Victorian Lobster Tail bustle cage with train support for dresses that have 8 inch trains and longer.

Elliptical Cage Crinoline that has a flatter front with a peacock fan shape at the back.

Edwardian Trumpet Cage for Early 1900 Belle Epoque , and Gibson Girl dresses and gowns.

Round Circular Hoop Cage for skirts and dresses that have sweeps of 168 inches or more.
This cage was mostly used during the Civil War Period. This cage is still popular today for bridals,formals, and reenactments.

Knee Length lobster tail bustle shown in plus sizes. This one is for dresses that have 3 to 5 inch trains.

Today, bustle cages are used by brides, historical reenactors,cosplay,faires, theatre,dramas, opera, museums, history hobbyist, Victorian Dickens Civil War Reenactors and more. In the following articles, each cage will be discussed in detail. Pictures of cages , and dresses that are worn over the cages will be posted. If you need immediate help to determine which bustle you need for you bustle dress, contact the author at


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